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Prediction TV - Para-rational Research Station
17 November - 23 December 2012
Opening : Friday 16 November 2012, 19:00 - 23:00
Prediction TV is a television station where the visitors of MAMA have the opportunity to become news reporters for weather and economic predictions. This project is an extension of a research on the role of prediction and the mechanism of self-fulfilling prophecy in modern society. Think of the affect of strategic voting on the elections and the manic anticipation surrounding the Eleven cities tour in Friesland.
The program of Prediction TV will focus on predicting two chaotic systems: the weather and the economy. The first channel reverses common sense understanding of the causal relationship between mood and weather. The second channel is premised on the reversal of the statement, 'economic crisis affects depression' to 'depression affects economic crisis' as a way to trigger discussion on topics such as the inquiry of knowledge and irrational versus rational methods of predicting the future.
Maps will be drawn based on interviews and bodily information collected from para-rational technologies to be further interpreted for predictions. Presentations by the visitor using blue-screen technique will turn them into reporters of their own predictions which will be aired on this site. During the show, artists and researchers, Darija Medic, Danny van der Kleij and Freek de Haan, will give presentations on various aspects of the relationship between the imagination and reality.
Amy Suo Wu graduated from Master Media Design and Communication: Networked Media at the Piet Zwart Institute Rotterdam this year. Her research was first manifested as Mood Radar, an interactive performance exhibited at TENT and V2. Mood Radar is a personal weather forecasting system based on people's mood presence using divining rods as a way to measure and interpret this connection.
In collaboration with
Showroom MAMA |
Veldwerk |
Danny van der Kleij |